AI, Leadership, Technology, Weak Signals

Organizational Change in the Face of Exponential Change: What it Means for Your Company to be AI Ready

"If I walk 30 paces this way, I have a good understanding of where I am going to end up. But let's say it's not 30 steps linearly, but 30 steps exponentially. Where do I land? That would land me on the moon. That is how hard it is to think exponentially." Ian Beacraft made… Continue reading Organizational Change in the Face of Exponential Change: What it Means for Your Company to be AI Ready

AI, Creativity, Leadership, Technology, Weak Signals

Three Scenarios in the Post-AI Revolution:  Renaissance, Demolition Man and Goldilocks Wooly mammoths parading in the snow, pirate ships navigating waves of coffee, and  intimate walks through the streets of Japan - Oh my! The reaction to Sora, Open AI's new text-to-video generator, has been, simply, WOW! (See Cleo Abram's enthusiastic reaction below.) Yes, we've been inundated by large language models like ChatGPT, Gemini,… Continue reading Three Scenarios in the Post-AI Revolution:  Renaissance, Demolition Man and Goldilocks

AI, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Leadership, Self Awareness

The Rising Occurrence of Self-Censorship and the Rising Need for Critical Thinking

It was a simple question posed by the Thai filmmaker.   What did these six film and TV productions have in common?   Spotlight, directed by Tom McCarthy JFK, directed by Oliver Stone Social Network, directed by David Fincher The Crown, created by Peter Morgan All the President's Men, directed by Alan J. Pakula A… Continue reading The Rising Occurrence of Self-Censorship and the Rising Need for Critical Thinking

Emotional Intelligence, Leadership, Self Awareness

Losing and Finding Yourself: A Perfect Five-Minute Scene From Ted Lasso

In the middle of the journey of my life I awoke in a dark wood where the true way was wholly lost. - Dante Alighieri     The precocious young manager of West Ham was out of a job, with all the time in the world to wallow in self-pity. The owner of the AFC… Continue reading Losing and Finding Yourself: A Perfect Five-Minute Scene From Ted Lasso

AI, Leadership

How ChatGPT Quickly Transformed our Dream Future into a Nightmare Scenario: The AI Community’s Call for a Pause

The robots are coming. You just won’t see them. World domination could happen. You just wouldn’t know it. If AI super intelligence becomes so super powerful, why would it manhandle us when it could easily manipulate us? After all, when we, the "superior" specie, lead the cow, the "inferior" specie, the beast is unaware if… Continue reading How ChatGPT Quickly Transformed our Dream Future into a Nightmare Scenario: The AI Community’s Call for a Pause

AI, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership

What it Means to Be Human: Our Competitive Advantages Over AI

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard." "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." "We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." "The ultimate measure… Continue reading What it Means to Be Human: Our Competitive Advantages Over AI